Iron Speed Designer Help

appSettings Element

The <appSettings> element holds a variety of key-value pairs for various settings, including the SMTP email server connections.




The ADO.NET database interfaces used by generated applications include a default timeout for database commands.  The default is typically 30 seconds.  In cases where commands are expected to take longer, the timeout may be set by adding a key/value pair to the <appSettings> section in web.config as follows:



            <add key="DbCommandTimeout" value="240"/>



The key must be called "DbCommandTimeout" and the value represents the number of seconds to wait before timing out.  This setting overrides the ADO.NET default for all database commands.


DefaultPageUrl is required in order to establish the default page of the application.  You may edit this setting to change the default page.  The initial setting is created by Iron Speed Designer.




          <add key=” DefaultPageUrl”
              value="Employees/ShowEmployeesTable.aspx” />




The EmailServer and EmailFrom parameters are used for (1) email notifications when importing data, (2) password reminders sent to application users, and (3) workflow state change notification alerts.




          <add key=”EmailFrom” value=”email address” />






          <add key=”EmailFrom” value=[email protected] />




The EmailServer and EmailFrom parameters are used for (1) email notifications when importing data, (2) password reminders sent to application users, and (3) workflow state change notification alerts.




          <add key=”EmailServer” value=”SMTP server name” />






          <add key=”EmailServer” value=”” />




Sets the page that is displayed when the application flags an error.  This setting is not required, and if not present in your application’s Web.config file, a default will be assumed.  You may add/edit these settings to change the locations of the various pages.




         <add key=” ErrorPageUrl” value="Shared/Error_Page.aspx” />




Sets the page that is displayed when the application user attempts to access a page for which they do not have sufficient permission to access.  This setting is not required, and if not present in your application’s Web.config file, a default will be assumed.  You may add/edit these settings to change the locations of the various pages.




         <add key=”ForbiddenPageUrl”  value="Shared/Forbidden_Page.aspx” />




If the value of this property is "all" then all database commit exceptions will be logged to the system event log (Event Viewer) as warnings.  Normally, commit exceptions are not logged because they are expected to occur in the course of normal application-user actions, and logging them in a production environment could be undesirable.  However, it is useful in a development/testing environment to have a full log of the detailed exception data for all commit failures.

Note: Only works if LogEvents = "true".




          <add key=”LogCommitExceptions” value=”all” />




Set LogDatabaseCommands value="true" to log all database SQL commands to the system the event log.  The default value is "false" which means not to log database SQL commands.

Note:  Only works if LogEvents = "true".


If the value of this property is "all" then all database (i.e. SQL) exceptions will be logged to the Event Viewer as warnings.  Normally, most database exceptions are not logged because they are expected to occur in the course of normal application-user actions, and logging them in a production environment could be undesirable.  However, it is useful in a development/testing environment to have a full log of the detailed exception data for all database exceptions.

Note:  Only works if LogEvents = "true".




          <add key=”LogDatabaseExceptions” value=”all” />




Set LogEvents value="false" to disable all logging to the system the event log.

The default value is "true".


Normally, a thread is started at the end of the generation process that asynchronously accesses the application’s pages so that IIS will compile the ASPX and ASCX files.


The compilation thread is started.  This is the default value.


The compilation thread is not started.  This can be useful in a development environment, since the thread can consume most of the server's CPU cycles for many minutes.


Sets the page that is displayed when the application signs out of the application.  This setting is not required, and if not present in your application’s Web.config file, a default will be assumed.  You may add/edit these settings to change the locations of the various pages.




         <add key=”SignedOutPageUrl”  value="Shared/SignedOutPage.aspx” />




Sets the page that is displayed when the application user is prompted to sign in to the application.  This setting is not required, and if not present in your application’s Web.config file, a default will be assumed.  You may add/edit these settings to change the locations of the various pages.




         <add key=” SignInPageUrl” value="Shared/Sign_in_Page.aspx” />




To get detailed page-level tracing, set these keys to "true".


The WebServer parameter instructs Iron Speed Designer to redirect from http (non-secure mode) to https (secure mode).  It is also used for workflow state email notifications to set the application’s URL, e.g., “Click here to access...”




          <add key=”WebServer” value=”base URL of web server” />






          <add key=”WebServer” value=”http://machinename” />






          <add key=”WebServer” value=”” />






          <add key=”WebServer” value=”” />



To specify a different server/host name or to include a port number, you may change this to:

<add key="WebServer" value="http://yourServerName:yourPortNumber" />

You may also change "http://" to "https://" if secure http is required for your application.  If the value does not start with either "http://" or "https:// it is ignored and the default prefix http://localhost is used.

Security settings




Sets the table used to authenticate user at sign in. Usage:



          <add key="UserIdentityTable"

              value="MyApp25.Table_Please_Select_A_Table_Access,MyApp25" />




Sets the security type used for authentication at runtime. Usage:



          <add key="AuthenticationType" value="ActiveDirectory" />




Sets the role management type used to authorize user at sign in. Usage:



          <add key="RoleManagement" value="WindowsUsersGroups" />




Disables security when set to ‘True’. Usage:



          <add key="SecurityDisabled" value="False" />




This Active Directory security setting specifies the domain controllers where your application will look for the user’s information for authenticatication. Usage:


          <add key="ADDomainControllers" value="LDAP://;" />




This setting is related to Active Directory Security type. When set to true application will look not only in top level groups but also in the all nested groups. Usage:



          <add key="SearchNestedGroups" value="False" />



Oracle SYS user

IronSpeed Designer does not currently support connections to Oracle databases as the “SYS” user.  This is due to a limitation in the .NET data provider in the System.Data.OracleClient namespace.