Iron Speed Designer Help

Control Name Policies - ReservedWords.xml

In pages created by the Application Wizard, FieldValue tags are named based on the underlying database field.  FieldLabel tags generally are named based on the underlying database field name with a "1", "2", etc., appended to the name.  This helps ensure the FieldLabel tags are unique.

You can control the naming policies for controls produced by Iron Speed Designer by modifying the naming policy file:

..\<Iron Speed Designer Installation Folder>\Designer\ReservedWords.xml

The file has this approximate format:











ReservedWords (Required):  The root node of the document that contains the list of reserved words.

Prefix and GlobalPrefix (Optional):  The prefix that should be applied to the control name.  This tag can be defined locally or globally.  If the Prefix node is defined as a child of the ReservedWords node then it is global and all control names will use the prefix.  If the node is defined as a child of the Word node then it is defined locally and only the current node will use the prefix.  The local Prefix value will override the global prefix value.   The Prefix is optional so if it is missing it means that no prefix will be added to the control name.

Suffix and GlobalSuffix (Optional):  The Suffix that should be applied to the control name.  This tag can be defined locally or globally.  If the Suffix node is defined as a child of the ReservedWords node then it is global and all control names will use the suffix.  If the Suffix node is defined as a child of the Word node then it is defined locally and only the current node will use the suffix.  The local Suffix value will override the global Suffix value.   The Suffix is optional so if it is missing it means that no prefix will be added to the control name.

Word (Optional): The node represents one reserved word.  The child nodes of this node contain information about the reserved word.  This node is optional; if you have no Word nodes in ReservedWords then no words are reserved.

Name (Required): The name of the reserved word.

MapTo (Optional): The value to map the reserved word to.  If the node does not exist then no mapping of the original value is required.