Iron Speed Designer Help

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client

A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value was detected from the client

A record you were attempting to delete or modify is referenced by other records

A record you were attempting to delete or modify is referenced by other records

A value for XXX is required

Access is denied: AjaxPro

Access to the path is denied

Ambiguous match found.  An unhandled exception occurred

Cannot update data:  While you were editing, another user may

Cannot update [tablename].  The data you entered conflicts

Could not find file

Could not find stored procedure

Could not load file or assembly System.Data.SqlServerCe

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.DataVisualization

Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Extensions

Could not load type System.DateTimeOffset from assembly mscorlib

Database not supported

Error Code 2755

Enter username and password for

Error committing transaction

Failed to access IIS metabase

Failed to load Crystal Reports.  Parameters might be missing.

Failed to start monitoring file changes

File or assembly name xxx.DLL, or one of its dependencies

General network error

HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized

HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden.  You are not authorized to view this page

HTTP Error 404 - Page Not Found

HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found

HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found

HTTP Error 500 - Page Cannot be Displayed

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

HttpException (0x80004005): Request timed out

Incompatible Database Version. If this was a compatible file, run repair

INSERT failed because the following SET options

Internal Server Error.  The requested web page either has an error or does not exist

Invalid login information

Invalid report file path

Load Report Failed

Load report failed. Make sure the dlls for Crystal Report are compatible with

Logon Failure

Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12 provider is not registered on the local machine

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered

No value given for one or more required parameters

No website configured at this address

Object expected

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

OleDbException, Unspecified Error

OraOLEDB.Oracle provider is not registered

ORA-00942: Table or view does not exist

ORA-01455: Converting column overflows

ORA-06550: line XX, column YY: PL/SQL: Statement ignored.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name

ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure

PageMethods is undefined

Parser Error: Access is denied

Parser Error: Child nodes are not allowed

Parser Error: Could not load type

Parser Error: Could not load file or assembly System.Data.Entity

Parser Error: Could not load file or assembly System.Web.Abstractions, Version=

Parser Error: Could not load type Microsoft.Web.Services.ScriptModule

Parser Error: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition = MachineToApplication

Parser Error: The base class includes the field XXX, but its type is not compatible

Parser Error: Type ScriptManager does not have a public property

Parser Error: Type XXX does not

Parser Error: Unknown server tag asp:ScriptManager

Parser Error: Unknown server tag atlas:ScriptManager

Parser Error: Unrecognized attribute type

Parser Error: Unrecognized attribute validateRequest

Parser Error: XXX is not a valid identifier

Potentially dangerous XML

Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly

Script Error: Object doesnt support property or method attachEvent

Security accessibility of the overriding method must match

Security Exception, AspNetHostingPermission Error

Security Exception, ConfigurationPermission Error

SELECT command denied to user user@host for Table table

Server Application Unavailable

Server cannot access application directory

SQL command busy open, fetching

SQL server does not exist or access denied


System.ApplicationException: Access is denied

System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater



The application for project XXX is not installed.

The database file has been created by an earlier version of SQL Server Compact

The directory App_GlobalResources is not allowed because the application is precompiled

The directory name is invalid

The file XXX.xls may contain features that are not compatible with XML Spreadsheet 2003

The file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open

The requested record could not be retrieved

The type System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType is defined in an assembly...

The value is too long...

The XML page cannot be displayed...

Timeout error...

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion...

TNS name is not available...

Unable to access data. Please contact your system administrator or customer support...

Unable to authenticate user...

Unable to build project output group Content Files from

Unable to connect to database

Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

Unable to find entry point name...

Unable to get record ID...

Unable to get record: XXX.  The record ID is not unique.

Unable to get records. Could not load file or assembly

Unable to get the InnerRecord for the specified column...

Unable to make the session state request

Unable to update record.  Operation must use an updateable query

Unable to update the transaction record cache

Unrecognized attribute targetFramework

Unspecified Error. Designer.mdb...

Unspecified Error. Ensure that MDAC 2.6 or higher is installed in the machine ...

Validation of viewstate MAC failed...

View or function XXX is not updatable because of multiple base tables

Virtual directory does not exist

Word experienced an error trying to open the file

XXX is a reserved identifier

You can only have one <head runat=server> control on a page

You must enter a value for all required fields