Iron Speed Designer Help


Returns count of the rows displayed in the table control. This function is called as <TableControlName>.COUNT("ControlName"). Use a TableControl instance to indicate which TableControl contains the values to be operated on by the function (e.g., Order_DetailsTableControl, ProductsTableControl, CategoriesTableControl).

Note: This function returns the count of the rows displayed on the page.  This will be less than or equal to the number of rows set in the pagination control.  Specifically, it does not return the count of all of the records on all pages.  Only the count of the records on the currently displayed set of rows is returned.


= <TableControlName>.COUNT(controlName)



It represents the name of the control which contains the values whose count is to be determined. The controlName should be a string (e.g., “UnitPrice”, “Quantity”, Discount). The values in the control can be an integer (e.g., 37), a decimal value (e.g., 37.48), a string (“IronSpeed”), or a null value.

Return Type





= ProductsTableControl.COUNT(“UnitPrice”)

The number of rows in the “UnitPrice” control.

= Order_DetailsTableControl.COUNT ("Quantity")

The number of rows in the “Quantity” control.

= Order_DetailsTableControl.COUNT ("Discount")

The number of rows in the “Discount” control.