Iron Speed Designer Help

Panel Fields Selection

Select fields to display in the panel.  The fields are already connected to the database (databound) so there’s nothing more to hook up.

Table search configuration

Select database fields that participate in the full-text search function.  Use the Property Sheet to configure the search comparison operator.




Specifies the type of filtering operation to apply to the field.

Note:  These filter operators are usually only used with String / Text-type database fields:

Does not contain
Starts with
Does not start with
Ends with
Does not end with

Using them with numeric or date fields may not be supported in some cases depending on the field's validation type, display format and storage formats.  These operators allow filtering by “fragments” of field values, and these fragments often cannot be parsed or interpreted correctly for fields that use certain types of format strings.

For example, using the Contains operator on a date field searching for '12' should work correctly.  However, searching for '12/30' may not work correctly, because the '/' isn't actually stored in the database field.

The field included in the Full Text Search functionality always uses the Contains operator regardless of the setting. Auto type ahead does not work on binary fields such as a Word document.

Case sensitive

Indicates whether to perform a case-sensitive text search.


Table filtering and sorting configuration

Add table component filtering and sorting.



Sortable Link

This option, available for Table Report and Edit Table panels, enables or disables column sorting for the designated column.

Note: not all columns can be sorted.  Certain underlying database field types, such as very large object fields and binary fields are not sortable.  In particular, Microsoft SQL Server columns of type “text” and “ntext” cannot be sorted.

You can selectively enable sorting in Edit Table panels as well as Table Report panels.  However, sorting an Edit Table panel containing unsaved data will cause that data to be lost.  Application users may regard this behavior as unexpected data loss, and you may consider disabling column sorting if this behavior is not desirable.


This option, if enabled, ads various filter controls to the panel.

“Other” value in dropdown filters

You may see a blank line shown in various dropdown list filters in your application.  This value is only shown when there are NULL values in the underlying database field to which the filter applies.  For example, you may have a Customer table and showing a filter of Company Names.  The filter will show all the names of companies in the database and if there are some records that do not have a Company Name, then a blank line will be inserted in the filter so that you can display those records that have a blank/null company name in the database.  The blank entry will only be available when there are blank or null values.

Table sorting

The OrderSort control is a dropdown list consisting of all the sortable column names preceded by the keyword “Asc” or “Desc”, which is used to sort the current table. You can choose OrderSort or Hyperlink as sort controls. The default sorting control is OrderSort.

How to implement Sort Control

You may select your preferred sort control while creating an application.   

Step 1:  Click the ‘Options’ button in the Application Wizard.

Step 2:  Click the “Preferred Sort Control” option and choose your desired sort control.

After the application is generated, SortControl is present in the “Filters” section of the page. If SortControl  is not present on the current page, follow these steps to implement SortControl:

Step 1: Select the page on which you wish to implement SortControl and go to the “Filters” section.

Step 2: Select “Filters & Sort” in the Toolbox. Drag the “Sort Control” control onto the Layout Editor.

Now the SortControl control is configured.

Step 3: Open the ‘Populate from static list’ property to view the contents of the OrderSort control.

Step 4: Click on the dropdown list to add additional sortable columns to the Sort Control.

Step 5: Rebuild the current page to implement Sort Control.


Table column total configuration

Add page and grand totals to tables.



Page Total

This option, if selected, displays a column total for the table.  Only the data displayed on the current page is totaled.

Grand Total

This option, if selected, displays a column total for the table.  All of the data in the table (database cursor) is totaled, not just the data displayed on the current page.