Iron Speed Designer Help

Skip Navigation Links Support

One aspect of complying with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act involves allowing users to skip repetitive navigation links (Section 508, Part 1194.22O, Allow repetitive navigation to be skipped).

Web pages created by Iron Speed Designer V3.2 include a “skip navigation links” link at the top of each page.  This link can be enabled or disabled, depending on your desire to include the “skip navigation links” link in the page. 

Migration effects

A “skip navigation links” link is added to each web page in your application.  The link is “disabled”, meaning it will not be visible in your application unless you manually enable the link.

What you should do

You must manually enable the “skip navigation links” link on the pages you desire.  To enable the “skip navigation links” link in existing pages, change this section in the Styles.css style sheet file:


 * Section 508 Compliance Styles                                      *


.skipNavigationLinks {

            /*font-size: 10px; */ /* uncomment out to enable 508 */

            /*color: #666666;*/  /* uncomment out to enable 508 */

            font-size: 1px;        /* comment out to enable 508 */

            color: #ffffff;        /* comment out to enable 508 */


To this new section:


 * Section 508 Compliance Styles                                      *


.skipNavigationLinks {

            font-size: 10px; /* uncomment out to enable 508 */

            color: #666666; /* uncomment out to enable 508 */

            /*font-size: 1px;*/        /* comment out to enable 508 */

            /*color: #ffffff;*/        /* comment out to enable 508 */
