Iron Speed Designer Help

InfinitePagination and InfinitePaginationMobile Updated

InfinitePagination and InfinitePaginationMobile were updated for bug fixing for infinite scrolling on mobile pages. 

Migration effects

During migration InfinitePaginationMobile.xml and InfinitePagination.xml will be replaced. 

What you should do

If you duplicated InfinitePaginationMobile.ascx and gave a different name such as InfinitePaginationMobile1.ascx, you will see javascript errors on the pages that refer to InfinitePaginationMobile1.ascx.  To fix the issue, you are required to perform the following steps after you migrate the application:

  1. Delete InfinitePaginationMobile1.ascx from Application Explorer

  2. Duplicate InfinitePaginationMobile.ascx and call it InfinitePaginationMobile1.ascx on Application Explorer

  3. Reapply your customization your customization on InfinitePaginationMobile1.ascx

You also need to perform the same steps for InfinitePagination.