Iron Speed Designer Help

ImportData files updated

The ImportData related files in the \Shared and \App_Code\Shared folders are replaced by new versions from the ProjectTemplates folder.

Migration effects

During migration, these ImportData files are replaced with new versions:

  • …\Shared\ImportData.ascx

  • …\Shared\ImportData .ascx.cs (vb)

  • …\Shared\SelectFileToImport.ascx

  • …\Shared\SelectFileToImport.ascx.cs (vb)

  • …\App_Code\Shared\ImportDataItems.cs (vb)

  • …\App_Code\Shared\CsvParser.cs (vb)

  • …\App_Code\Shared\Parser.cs (vb)

Customizations you have made to these files will not be retained.  If you have customized these files, then you must re-apply your customizations to the new files.

What you should do

After migration, re-apply any customizations you may have made to the original ImportData files to the new ImportData files in your application.