Iron Speed Designer Help

Certain Methods Renamed


A few BaseClasses API methods were renamed.  Many of the renamed methods' old names are still supported as "obsolete" methods.  For example, some "UpdateData()" methods were renamed to "SaveData()".

  • Most customizations in existing applications that override a renamed method need to be manually migrated to use the new method signature.

  • Many customizations in existing applications that call a renamed method should continue to function normally because the "obsolete" method names are still supported.  However, such calls will generate non-fatal compiler warnings until the code is changed to use the non-obsolete method name.

For example, you may see compilation errors like these as result of the renaming changes:

C:\SampleApps2.0\Support\StandardPages\AddAlternateCustomers.aspx.vb(501) : warning BC40000: 'Public Overridable NotOverridable Sub Create()' is obsolete: 'This member will be removed from future versions. Use the Save method instead.'



For this example, the solution is to CType the IUserTable / IUserIdentityTable to "{MyTableName}Table".