Iron Speed Designer Help




Allow wrapping

Specifies whether displayed text can be wrapped.


Allow text wrapping.


Do not allow text wrapping.

Display format

Specifies a field’s display format, typically for numbers and dates.  It also specifies the type of text editor used for general text fields.

Other special formats apply:


Use the Global Display Options dialog settings.


Applies To

Text Box

Display when contains value

The formatted text displayed when field contains a value.

See TextFormat property for details.

Applies To

Text Box

Display when NULL

The text to be displayed or inserted into the database if the underlying database field has a “null” value (no value).  This is typically set to ‘ ’

Applies To


HTML encode value

Specifies whether to render HTML tags when displaying text.  If a field contains HTML code, you can configure the field to render (display) the HTML rather than display ‘raw’ unrendered text.


Display text without rendering (executing) HTML tags.  Any embedded HTML tags are displayed as ‘HTML source’.


Display text as rich text.  Embedded HTML tags are rendered.

Note that rich text is displayed only if the text can be fully displayed.  The amount of text in the field, including embedded HTML tags, must be less than the “Maximum display length” property value.


Use the Application Generation Options setting.


Applies To


HTML encode white space

Specifies whether to HTML encode white space, limiting word-wrapping.


HTML encodes white space.  Multiple words in a text string are not wrapped.


Does not HTML-encode white space.  This is the the default if this property is not set.

“HTML encode white space” can be combined with the “Allow wrapping” property to achieve various effects.  For example, “HTML encode white space = True” and “Allow wrapping = False” respects the white space, carriage return and line feed characters in the HTML, preserving white space; e.g., if you have 10 contiguous spaces, 10 spaces will be output in the field.

Applies To


Maximum display length

The maximum number of characters displayed on for a text field, limiting the display of long ‘note’ fields in order to conserve screen real estate.

Text display limited for mobile pages

To reduce the bandwidth required for mobile Show Record pages, text strings longer than 32K are automatically truncated and appended with an ellipses ( “…”).  here is no truncation on mobile Edit Record and Add Record pages.

Use with “Pop ups” property

“Maximum display length” may be used in conjunction with the “Pop ups” property to display a limited amount of text on the web page and complete text in the pop-up.

“Maximum display length” also governs the number of characters displayed in PDF Reports created by Iron Speed Designer (PDF Report).

Any positive integer may be specified; the lowest permitted value is 1.  Several special values are permitted:


Represents the default value specified in the Application Generation Options dialog, typically 100 characters.


Allows an unlimited amount of text to be displayed.

The default value is the “Default”.  If any invalid value is specified (e.g., 0 or negative number), then all characters in the field are displayed on the web page.

Field contents are truncated and HTML tags do not render properly

The contents of a rich text field will be truncated if “Maximum display length” is less than the length of the contents in the field.  If the contents of a rich text field are truncated, various HTML tags may be displayed rather than rendered as HTML.  To “remove” the HTML tags from displaying, increase “Maximum display length” to exceed the length of the contents stored in the field or the length of the database field itself.

Applies To
