Iron Speed Designer Help

Web.Config Settings for Microsoft Access Databases

When deploying applications that use Microsoft Access databases, you may need to modify your application’s Web.config file to point to the database on the deployment machine.

The Web.Config file contains a line such as:

<add key="DatabaseSouthwind.mdb1" value="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\MyApp\Southwind.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1;Mode=16" />

Note the Source= line in the above key.  You may need to change the Source= line to point to the Microsoft Access file located on the local machine.

Please note the following:

  • Microsoft Access databases can only be located on the local drive of your web server.  This is a restriction of the Microsoft JET driver and not of Iron Speed Designer.

  • Make sure the MDB file is not set to Read-Only.  This is perhaps the most common cause of problems with Microsoft Access databases.

  • Microsoft Access databases can be located in any folder on the local drive, but the folder must have Read/Write permission for the ASPNET user.  Go to Windows Explorer and add the ASPNET user to have Full permissions on the folder containing the MDB file.

  • The path specified in the Web.config must be a fully specified path or a relative paths (starting with Version 2.1.2 of Iron Speed Designer).

  • You *cannot* specify the source as  You must specify a folder path to the Microsoft Access database - *and* the folder must be on the local drive of your web server - not on a network drive.