Iron Speed Designer Help

Matching Oracle Sequences with Primary Keys

These rules are used to match an Oracle sequence to a primary key field for a table:

  • The sequence name starts or ends with the field name of the primary key.  For example NORTHWIND.EMPLOYEEID_SEQ will match the primary key field in the Employee table.  Similarly NORTHWIND.SEQUENCE_EMPLOYEEID will match, but NORTHWIND.SEQ_EMPLOYEEID_NUMBER will not match because EmploeeId is in the middle of the sequence name.

  • The sequence name starts or ends with the table name.  For example NORTHWIND.EMPLOYEE_SEQ will match the name of the Employee table. NORTHWIND.SEQ_EMPLOYEE will also match, but NORTHWIND.SEQ_EMPLOYEE_NUM will not match.

In both cases, the sequence owner must match the schema owner.

This is the automated algorithm. You can always change the sequence on the Databases tab in Iron Speed Designer.