Iron Speed Designer Help

Changing an Oracle Database Schema Name in an Application

When deploying the solution into a production environment, the database schema name may be different from the development environment’s schema name.  This will cause your application to stop working because it is configured to access a database schema which does not exist in the production environment.  All the table access logic in the application references the development environment’s schema name (e.g.: SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME).

To change the database schema name:

Step 1:  Change the schema name in all of the table binding files.

In your application’s ..\Data Access Layer folder is a set of XML files containing schema information for each table and database view used by your application.  Update these XML files to replace the old database schema name with the new (production) database schema name.

Step 2:  Change the schema name in your application’s Web.config file.

Step 3:  Rebuild your application.  This updates your application’s code files, SQL queries, and database stored procedures to use the new database schema name.

Step 4:  Ensure that your application has permissions to access the new schema.