Iron Speed Designer Help

Step 2: Check Prerequisites Needed

Each type of deployment has its own set of additional requirements needed to complete the deployment. The Prerequisites step shows only when these requirements have not been met for the currently selected deployment. For example:

For creating Deployment folder or MSI

To generate a deployment folder for the ASP.NET framework 4.5, you must have Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013. In the 4.5 or later framework you can switch between these two by selecting Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 Solution File in the Application Wizard. Deployment in the case is handled by publishing in Visual Studio as explained at:

To generate a deployment project or MSI for 4.0 or 3.5 framework, you must install Visual Studio’s respective version and the Web Deployment Projects add-in for Visual Studio

Deployment Project for visual studio 2008 can be installed from


Deployment Project for visual studio 2010 can be installed from


For creating Android deployment

Creating an Android application requires installation of the JDK, Android SDK, and Apache Ant.

The JDK program can be downloaded from: Please set JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables after installation.

The Android SDK can be downloaded from: . Please set PATH environment variable for tools and platform-tools after installation.

Apache Ant can be downloaded from: . Please set ANT_HOME and PATH environment variable for Ant after installation. Also make sure to download binary source for Ant.

For creating Apple iOS deployment

There are no special requirements to generate an iOS application.

For creating Sharepoint deployment –

The program WSPBuilder is required to create a SharePoint solution file for deployment

The program can be downloaded from: