Iron Speed Designer Help


The LoadStoredProcedures utility program loads the stored procedures created by Iron Speed Designer into your database.  This utility is most often used to load stored procedures from your development machine into testing and production servers.  It is generally used as part of the process of deploying an application to a production server to ensure the application functions properly in the production environment.

If there are tables from different databases in your application, you will need to edit the LoadStoredProcedures batch file slightly to load the stored procedures to different databases, with potentially different credentials (user name / password / Windows Authentication).

The stored procedure files are typically located in:

...\<Application Folder>\StoredProcedures

Microsoft Windows Authentication usage

LoadStoredProcedures.bat        <Application Name>
                                                <Application Directory>
                                                <Database Server Name>
                                                <Database Name>


LoadStoredProcedures.bat  MyApplication C:\MyApplication  Mercury  Acme

In this example:

  • Mercury is the database server name.

  • Acme is the database name on the Mercury database server.

Microsoft SQL Server Authentication usage

LoadStoredProcedures.bat        <Application Name>
                                                <Application Directory>
                                                <Database Server Name>
                                                <Database Name>

Username and Password are optional and are only required if you are not using Windows Authentication.


LoadStoredProcedures.bat  MyApplication  C:\MyApplication  Mercury  Acme  sa  mypassword

In this example:

  • Mercury is the database server name.

  • Acme is the database name on the Mercury database server.


Note:  The LoadStoredProcedures.bat file is written with UTF8 encoding in order to accommodate database and table names in different languages.  The UTF8 format has some extra characters at the beginning of the file.  You will see the following first line of output when running the .bat file in a DOS prompt:

'' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Although this looks like an error, it is normal behavior.