Iron Speed Designer Help

InstallShield Setup Initialization Error 6001...


You get this error when installing Iron Speed Designer:

InstallShield Setup Initialization Error 6001...


A previous installation of any product using InstallShield for installation may have corrupted some of the InstallShield files.  See:

InstallShield installers keep a copy of their DLLs in the Common Files folder on a user's machine.  The files are located in:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield\Professional\RunTime\09

09 stands for Version 9 of InstallShield, the version used by Iron Speed for the Iron Speed Designer installation program.  Other folders may be used based on the version of InstallShield used.

Delete (or rename) the 09 folder and retry installation.  The new installer will recreate the folder with the new files from the Iron Speed Designer installation program.

For further information, search InstallShield's knowledge base (  Make sure to search in "InstallShield Community" in addition to the Knowledge Base and Online Documentation.  The InstallShield Community checkbox is turned off by default and should be checked on to search there.