Iron Speed Designer Help





Specifies whether the space for the validation text and error message is pre-reserved or allocated dynamically at run-time.


The validation message is never displayed inline.


Space for the validation message is allocated inline (default if not specified).


Space for the validation message is dynamically allocated when needed.



Applies To

Text Box

Initial value

Initial watermark text displayed in the control, e.g., “Enter Title here”.  The watermark is not a real permitted value; it is a temporary value.  The required validator treats this value as if the user did not enter anything in the text box.

“Initial value” also specifies a value for the ‘NO-SELECTION’ entry for dropdown lists.  The “Initial value” property applies only when the “Required” property is set to ‘True’.  Upon saving, the selected value is compared to the initial value, and if they are the same, an error is displayed to the user requesting they select a value.

Applies To

Dropdown List
List Box


Indicates that the field is required.  If selected, an application user must provide a value for the field when using the Add Record or Edit Record pages.


Create a ‘required’ validator for the control.


Do not create a ‘required’ validator for the control.


Applies To

Text Box


Message displayed on the web page when an incorrect value is entered.

Resource File Key

You can also dynamically fetch a text string from your application’s resource file (RESX) at application run-time by specifying a Resource Key.  This is useful in multi-language applications that have multiple resource files, one for each language.  This permits easy application localization by editing your application’s resource file instead of the application itself.  Specify the Resource Key in curly braces, e.g.:


Applies To

Text Box