Customizing the AddColumn Method

The AddColumn method specifies the layout for each column.  AddColumn() is called once for each column in the table and specifies:

By default, Iron Speed Designer specifies Microsoft Excel’s standard display format for each column.  For example, the format specified for date fields is “Short Date”, the format for Currency fields is “Standard” and the format for String fields is ‘Default’.

You can alter the default format and specify a custom value for the display format of a column.  Formats can be culture-specific. The order in which the columns are exported can be customized as well.

Step 1:  Copy the entire overridable button click handler method (“button_click”) from Section 2 of the page’s table control class and paste it in Section 1 of the same class in the page.

Step 2:  Change the ‘virtual’ keyword to ‘override’ if the application is in C# or change the ‘Overridable’ keyword to ‘Overrides’ if the application is in Visual Basic .NET and, e.g.:


public override void OrdersExportExcelButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs args)

Visual Basic .NET:

Public Overrides Sub CustomersExportExcelButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As ImageClickEventArgs)

Step 3: Choose any of the standard display formats accepted by Microsoft Excel.  To view the data formats supported by Microsoft Excel, open any Excel file, right-click on a cell and choose the Format Cells option.

Step 4:  Specify the desired format for the column in the overridden button click handler method in Section 1, as shown in the example below.  You can also alter the order in which the columns are exported.


    // Event handler for ImageButton .

        public virtual void OrdersExportExcelButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs args)



            try {

                // Enclose all database retrieval/update code within a Transaction boundary




            // To customize the columns or the format, override this function in Section 1 of the page

            // and modify it to your liking.

            // Build the where clause based on the current filter and search criteria

            // Create the Order By clause based on the user's current sorting preference.


                WhereClause wc = null;

                wc = CreateWhereClause();

                OrderBy orderBy = null;


                orderBy = CreateOrderBy();


                // Create an instance of the ExportDataToExcel class with the table class, where clause and order by.

                ExportDataToExcel excelReport = new ExportDataToExcel(OrdersTable.Instance, wc, orderBy);

              // Add each of the columns in order of export.

              // To customize the data type, change the second parameter of the new ExcelColumn to be

              // a format string from Excel's Format Cell menu. For example "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy h:mm AM/PM;@", "#,##0.00"


              bool done = false;

              string val;


              if (this.Page.Response == null)





              int width = 0;

              int columnCounter = 0;


              DataForExport data = new DataForExport(OrdersTable.Instance, wc, orderBy, null);

                           data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.CustomerID, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.EmployeeID, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.OrderDate, "Short Date"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.RequiredDate, "Short Date"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShippedDate, "Short Date"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipVia, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.Freight, "$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipName, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipAddress, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipCity, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipRegion, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipPostalCode, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.ShipCountry, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.CreatedBy, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.CreatedOn, "Short Date"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.UpdatedBy, "Default"));

             data.ColumnList.Add(new ExcelColumn(OrdersTable.UpdatedOn, "Short Date"));



              //  First write out the Column Headers

              foreach (ExcelColumn col in data.ColumnList)


                width = excelReport.GetExcelCellWidth(col);

                if (data.IncludeInExport(col))


                  excelReport.AddColumnToExcelBook(columnCounter, col.ToString(), excelReport.GetExcelDataType(col), width, excelReport.GetDisplayFormat(col));




              // Read pageSize records at a time and write out the Excel file.

              int totalRowsReturned = 0;


              while (!done)


                ArrayList recList = data.GetRows(excelReport.pageSize);


                foreach (BaseRecord rec in recList)



                  columnCounter = 0;

                  foreach (ExcelColumn col in data.ColumnList)


                    if (!data.IncludeInExport(col))



                    if (col.DisplayColumn.TableDefinition.IsExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey(col.DisplayColumn))

                     val = OrdersTable.GetDFKA(rec.GetValue(col.DisplayColumn).ToString(), col.DisplayColumn, null);


              val = excelReport.GetValueForExcelExport(col, rec);

              excelReport.AddCellToExcelRow(columnCounter, excelReport.GetExcelDataType(col), val);






              // If we already are below the pageSize, then we are done.

              if (totalRowsReturned < excelReport.pageSize)


                  done = true;








            } catch (Exception ex) {

                  // Upon error, rollback the transaction


                  this.Page.ErrorOnPage = true;


            // Report the error message to the end user

            BaseClasses.Utils.MiscUtils.RegisterJScriptAlert(this, "BUTTON_CLICK_MESSAGE", ex.Message);


            } finally {





Visual Basic .NET:

' event handler for ImageButton

        Public Overridable Sub CustomersExportExcelButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As ImageClickEventArgs)



                ' Enclose all database retrieval/update code within a Transaction boundary



            ' To customize the columns or the format, override this function in Section 1 of the page

            ' and modify it to your liking.

            ' Build the where clause based on the current filter and search criteria

            ' Create the Order By clause based on the user's current sorting preference.


              Dim wc As WhereClause = CreateWhereClause

              Dim orderBy As OrderBy = Nothing


              orderBy = CreateOrderBy


            ' Create an instance of the Excel report class with the table class, where clause and order by.

            Dim excelReport As ExportDataToExcel = New ExportDataToExcel(CustomersTable.Instance, wc, orderBy)

              ' Add each of the columns in order of export.

              ' To customize the data type, change the second parameter of the new ExcelColumn to be

              ' a format string from Excel's Format Cell menu. For example "dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy h:mm AM/PM;@", "#,##0.00"

              Dim done As Boolean = False

              Dim val As String



              Dim width As Integer = 0

              Dim columnCounter As Integer = 0

              Dim data As DataForExport = New DataForExport(CustomersTable.Instance, wc, orderBy, Nothing)

                           data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.CustomerID, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.CompanyName, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.ContactName, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.EmailAddress, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.ContactTitle, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.Address, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.City, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.Region, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.PostalCode, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.Country, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.Phone, "Default"))

             data.ColumnList.Add(New ExcelColumn(CustomersTable.Fax, "Default"))




              For Each col As ExcelColumn In data.ColumnList

              width = excelReport.GetExcelCellWidth(col)

              If data.IncludeInExport(col) Then

              excelReport.AddColumnToExcelBook(columnCounter, col.ToString(), excelReport.GetExcelDataType(col), width, excelReport.GetDisplayFormat(col))

              columnCounter = columnCounter + 1

              End If

              Next col


              ' Read pageSize records at a time and write out the Excel file.

              Dim totalRowsReturned As Integer = 0


              While (Not done)

              Dim recList As ArrayList = data.GetRows(excelReport.pageSize)


              For Each rec As BaseRecord In recList


              columnCounter = 0


              For Each col As ExcelColumn In data.ColumnList

              If Not data.IncludeInExport(col) Then

              Continue For

              End If


              If col.DisplayColumn.TableDefinition.IsExpandableNonCompositeForeignKey(col.DisplayColumn) Then

              val = CustomersTable.GetDFKA(rec.GetValue(col.DisplayColumn).ToString(), col.DisplayColumn, Nothing)


              val = excelReport.GetValueForExcelExport(col, rec)

              End If

              excelReport.AddCellToExcelRow(columnCounter, excelReport.GetExcelDataType(col), val)


              columnCounter = columnCounter + 1

              Next col

              Next rec


              ' If we already are below the pageSize, then we are done.

              If totalRowsReturned < PageSize Then

                        done = True

                    End If

              End While






            Catch ex As Exception

                ' Upon error, rollback the transaction


                Me.Page.ErrorOnPage = True


                ' Report the error message to the end user

                Utils.MiscUtils.RegisterJScriptAlert(Me, "BUTTON_CLICK_MESSAGE", ex.Message)



            End Try


        End Sub

Apart from customizing the features of individual columns that are exported, you can alter other aspects of the exported file by overriding and customizing the ExportToExcel method.

See Also

Export to Excel Customization

Customizing the AddColumn Method

Customizing the ExportToExcel Method