Version 11.0.0 Application Migration

Version 11.0.0 Changes

AjaxControlToolkit.dll, ConfiguredXXXRecord, Forbidden, SharePoint master pages, Import Wizard are replaced

scrollRegion div tag is removed and defined on page level

QPPageButtonsContainer css class is changed to recordPanelButtonsAlignment

Large List Selector code files are removed

Forbidden page is replaced

BaseFormulaUtils is replaced

Crypto.vb(cs) is removed

SignInState.vb(cs) is replaced

SignIn, SignOut, ForgotUser pages are replaced

SetFocus.js is replaced

ApplicationWebForm.js is replaced

ThemeButton.xml is replaced

PaginationMobile.xml is replaced

BaseApplicationMenuControl, BaseApplicationPage, BaseApplicationRecordControl, BaseApplicationTableControl, BaseApplicationUserControl are replaced