...\<App>\<Sub Folder>

This folder contains the properties files used by Iron Speed Designer to create your application’s source code files.  The folder name corresponds to the name you specified when creating a web page.

Each web page is based on an XML property file.  The subfolder contains this pair of files for each web page you created.

Each web page is comprised of a set of files: one ASPX file, zero or more ASCX (controls) files and code-behind source code files.  The code-behind source code is located in a pair of files: a file containing a customizable class and the class used to derive the customizable class.  Once created, the customizable class is never overwritten.

Page Type


ASPX pages


This contains the HTML and ASP.NET code for the web page displayed and the web controls for validating individual controls on the web page.

ASCX controls


This contains the HTML and ASP.NET code for user controls used by the page.

Code-behind classes

Contains fields, properties and event logic for the controls within the page or user controls.

Code-behind customizable classes


These are the customizable classes for the page.

Since these customizable classes are created only once, it is safe to include custom application logic within them without fear of them being overwritten.


The Properties file for the web page containing the properties for each of the components in the page.

Example: An Add Order Page

For example, if you create a web page called “AddOrder”, these web files will be created for it.

Add Record Page files





Add Record Control files


