Using Client-Side JavaScript in Application Pages

Some of Microsoft's built-in .NET server controls output client-side script as part (or all) of the HTML they send to the browser.  The default client-side script is JavaScript.  Some functionality of some server controls will only work if the client's browser supports a certain level of DHTML (JavaScript, CSS, HTML DOM, etc.).  If the client's browser does not provide this support, then those features may be disabled or ignored when that browser displays the page.  However, one of the advantages of server controls is that most of the code resides and executes on the server, so only a tiny amount of simple JavaScript code needs to be sent to the client and supported by the client's browser.  For example, a Microsoft LinkButton web control might output the following HTML to the browser:

<a id="Button5" href="javascript:__doPostBack('Button5','')">Change</a>

This requires JavaScript to work, but it only requires very simple JavaScript, and virtually all browsers that provide any amount of JavaScript support should be able to properly execute the client-side portion of the control's code, regardless of the complexity of the control's server-side code.

Since Iron Speed Designer’s built-in controls inherit from the Microsoft web controls, it is not possible to completely eliminate the use of JavaScript.  Iron Speed Designer’s controls will not work properly if the browser provides no DHTML support, but they should work properly even if the browser only provides a very minimal level of DHTML support.

Applications built with Iron Speed Designer use this JavaScript chiefly for client-side data validation and links to other dynamically created pages (post backs).  Some of the JavaScript functionality relies on the standard .NET client-side library found in the .JS files within the Aspnet_Client folder.  Some of the JavaScript functionality provided by certain Iron Speed controls relies on the .JS files found within ApplicationWebForm.js and ApplicationWebUIValidation.js contained in your application’s folder.  You can also customize these client scripts to suit the needs of your application.