Testing Iron Speed Designer Applications

The.NET code created by Iron Speed Designer is consistently high quality, greatly reducing the QA burden. The result is fewer bugs and more stable applications.  There are several factors to bear in mind:

Testing applications and code created by Iron Speed Designer is no different than testing your own hand-written custom code.  Like all testing, it’s desirable to focus your energies on areas likely to uncover bugs and spend correspondingly less time on areas that are likely to have lower bug yields.  We recommend focusing on these areas:

Conversely, we recommend focusing less testing energy on pages and code created by Iron Speed Designer that have not been customized.  These pages and code have the benefit of Iron Speed’s own testing prior to product release.

See Also

Debugging Applications

How to Debug an Application

Tracing and Event Logging

Debugging Database Errors

Debugging Inside Iron Speed Base Classes

Debugging with Visual Studio .NET

Working with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

Testing Iron Speed Designer Applications