Parser Error: Type XXX does not


You get this error when running your application:

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message:  Type ‘XXX’ does not...

This error sometimes occurs after migrating an application from a previous version of Iron Speed Designer to a current version.


Step 1:  Use the Application Explorer in Iron Speed Designer to open the offending page. 

Step 2:  In the Layout Editor, select the specific ‘XXX’ control identified in the error message.

Step 3:  In the Property Sheet, remove the “Consumers” entry if there is one.

If you established an event hookup with this control in your application, then after deleting this attribute, you will have to manually set up the event again.  If you had not specified any event hookups for this control, and if it was added by Iron Speed Designer, then removing this property in the Property Sheet should fix the problem.

See Also

Part IX:  Troubleshooting Applications

Application Will Not Run

Application Runs But No Data is Displayed

Application Error Messages