File or assembly name Xheo.Licensing ... was not found


You get this error when installing Iron Speed Designer:

File or assembly name Xheo.Licensing, or one of its dependencies, was not found.


Step 1:  Open Windows Explorer.

Step 2:  Navigate to the folder where you installed Iron Speed Designer.  Typically this is:

C:\Program Files\Iron Speed\Designer V8.0.0

Step 3:  Copy the file (do not Cut or Delete – just Copy) Xheo.Licensing.dll from this folder into the Designer\bin folder.  Typically this folder is:

C:\Program Files\Iron Speed\Designer V8.0.0\Designer\bin

Step 4:  Exit and re-start Iron Speed Designer.  You should be able to run the product without any problems.

See Also

Part IX:  Troubleshooting Applications

Installation Error Messages