Example: Change the Panel Body Style (Modern Themes)

You can change the background color of the panels with contain your data via the “dBody” class:

/* existing definition in BaseStyles.css */

.dialog_body, .dBody { /* panel content container (excludes panel header) */

     background-color: #f0ede0;

     color: #333333;

     font-family: Arial, Verdana, Georgia, sans-serif;

     font-size: 12px;

     padding: 8px;

     text-align: left;   



Let’s make the panel’s background a pumpkin orange (#ff9900):

/* new definition in Styles.css */

.dialog_body, .dBody { /* panel content container (excludes panel header) */

     background-color: #ff9900;



The resultant panel now looks like this:
