Control Properties

This section contains all properties related to individual controls and also allows configuring actions, events and other business logic. You have to select control on the Layout Editor to see this section for the control.





Shows id (programmatic name) of the selected control and allows renaming it.

Applies To

All controls

ASCX file path

Specifies the location of the associated ASCX control to include.

Applies To

ASCX controls

Checked value

The value saved into the database when a selected check box field is saved.  “Checked value” is generally set to ‘Yes’.  While “Checked value” can be set to anything, typical values are True, T, Yes, and 1.

Applies To

Check Box

See Also

“Treat other values as checked”
“Unchecked value”

Control type

The type of the control to display. You can change control type for all generated fields.


Creates a Literal control without adding any HTML formatting. The resulting value is not enclosed in a <span> tag.  You can manipulate the text programmatically in the Presentation Layer code.

You may not add formatting via the Property Sheet.


The Text Box control type displays a text entry box.  Application uses can enter any text, and the associated database table and field will be searched for matching entries.


Creates a Label control.  The label may include HTML formatting, including a surrounding <span> HTML tag.  The resulting value is enclosed in a <span> tag.  You can also manipulate the text programmatically in the Presentation Layer code.

You may also add formatting via the Property Sheet.


Quick Selector

Quick Selector control displays a button with all selected values. It opens a special Quick Selector page in a modal pop-up when clicked. This page allows easy search and selection of one or multiple values. Search for Quick Selector Page for more information.


The Dropdown List control type displays a list of values retrieved from the database. The list contains all values used in the designated database field.


The List box control type displays a list of values retrieved from the database.  The list contains all values used in the designated database field.

Radio Button List

Displays a radio button list of choices, either retrieved from the database or provided directly by you.  This works well for fields with 2 to about 10 values.

Image Button

Displays a button containing an image retrieved from the database.

See Button Actions and Properties for related options.

Link Button

Displays a button containing text retrieved from the database.  The button is a hypertext link.

See Button Actions and Properties for related options.

Push Button

Displays a push button containing text retrieved from the database.

See Button Actions and Properties for related options.

File Download

Displays an ‘open file’ link to open the file.

Database field must be binary

If the underlying database field type is a binary field, your application assumes the file is stored in the database.  The File Download control type only works with binary fields.

Table must have a primary key or virtual primary key

Tables containing a file must have either (a) a primary key field or (b) a field designated as a virtual primary key in Iron Speed Designer.  Your application uses the primary key at run-time to fetch the file contents from the database.

File Upload

Displays a text entry field and a Browse button for selecting a file name.  When the page is submitted, the file is uploaded into the designated database table and field.

Check Box

Displays a check box.  This control type is ideal for Boolean fields.

The checkbox itself is unadorned.  You will want to place some text in proximity to the checkbox within your page via the HTML Editor, indicating what the checkbox is for.

Checked is mapped to the string "Yes" by default.  Unchecked is mapped to the string "" (Null) by default.  Every other value maps to unchecked by default.  All mappings can be changed using these properties:

“Checked value”

“Unchecked value”

“Treat other values as checked”


Displays an image retrieved from the database.

Image stored in database field

If the underlying database field type is a binary field, your application assumes the image is stored in the database.  At application run-time, the image is retrieved from the database and displayed.  Images can be any standard image type recognized by your browser, such as JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP.

URL stored in database field

If the underlying database field type is a string field, your application assumes the field contains a URL to the image.  URLs may be fully qualified or relative path, e.g.:


Please note that the HTML maximum URL length is 256 bytes and some URLs can approach this in length.

Table must have a primary key or virtual primary key

Tables containing an image must have either (a) a primary key field or (b) a field designated as a virtual primary key in Iron Speed Designer.  Your application uses the primary key at run-time to fetch the image contents from the database.

Broken images

Depending on the underlying database field type, if the database field does not contain an image or the image’s URL is invalid, the “broken image” symbol is displayed by your web browser.

Similarly, if the underlying database field is not large enough to hold the entire image, the ‘broken image’ icon will be displayed by your web browser.


Applies To

All generated controls. See also GEN controls section.

Custom properties

Additional user-defined properties passed through to the generated ASP.NET controls.

Applies To

All generated controls.

See Also

Custom Button Properties

Code Generation Tags

Database field

Designates from where the data is retrieved or saved.

The database field to be displayed in the format:


Applies To

Databound controls

Date selector type

The type of calendar date selector control displayed in date fields.  A Date Selector control presents a calendar-like interface that lets application users select date values.


Use the Application Generation Options dialog settings.


Automatically display the calendar date picker when the user clicks in the text box control.


Displays an icon button adjacent to the text box control.  The calendar date picker is displayed when the user clicks the button.


The calendar date picker is disabled.

The calendar’s date format is determined by the “culture” attribute in your application’s Web.config file, e.g.:

<globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" culture="en-US" . . .

You can set the culture attribute on the Languages step in the Application Wizard.

Applies To

Text box (date fields only)

Data source table

Specifies a table which is used to populate data into this user interface control.

Applies To

Record and table controls

Depends on

Select parent control to implement “make, model, year” dependancies. Only controls from the same table or from the parent table are applicable.

Applies To

QuickSelector, Dropdown list, or Listbox controls

Enter key button ID

ID of the button to execute when the “Enter” key pressed.

Applies To

Editable controls

Editor type

Specifies which text editor control to use.


CKEditor is an independently provided third-party control. Requires license. See Part II: Customizing Your Application > Configuring Application Generation Options > CKEditor Notes

Cute Editor

Cute Editor is an independently provided third-party control. Requires license. See See Part II: Customizing Your Application > Configuring Application Generation Options > Cute Editor Notes

HTML Editor

HTML Editor is a lightweight editor provided by Ajax Toolkit. Does not require license. Performance is not as good as the other two rich text editors. See See Part II: Customizing Your Application > Configuring Application Generation Options > HTML Editor Notes

ASP Multi-line

The ASP.NET multi-line control available in the Microsoft .NET Framework.


Use the Application Generation Options setting.


Applies To

Text Box

File name field

The companion database field containing the file name of an uploaded or downloaded file.  Used for the File Download and FileUpload controls, this companion database field must be in the same table as the field containing the actual file contents.

File Upload

For File Upload, the file name of the uploaded file is stored in this field.  The File Upload control displays a separate text box data entry field for entering a file name to upload into the database.

File Download

For File Download, the value of this field displays a file download link that when clicked opens (downloads) the file.  The File Download control displays a clickable link to open (download) the file.

Applies To

File Download
File Upload

Hide until searched

Controls whether the table’s data grid is initially displayed when the panel is rendered on the screen.


The data grid is not displayed when the control is first rendered.  The data and associated data grid are displayed only after the user selects appropriate filter options and clicks ‘Go’.


Data grid and associated data are displayed when the control is first rendered.

Applies To



Increment / decrement buttons

Specifies whether increment and decrement buttons are displayed.


Increment and decrement buttons are created for the Page Size text box in the pagination control, Date fields, Currency fields, and other Numeric fields.  Increment and decrement buttons for Date fields will only be created when the date is set to the default date format or “d”.  Increment and decrement buttons are not created for any other date format.


Increment and decrement buttons are not created.

Increment and decrement buttons are enabled by default if this property is not present.  You must explicitely set this property to False if you do not want increment and decement buttons for the designated field.

You can globally disable the generation of increment and decrement buttons in the Application Generation Options dialog (Tools, Application Generation Options...).  If disabled globally in the Application Generation Options dialog, no increment and decrement buttons will be created anywhere in your application regardless of the “Encrement / decrement buttons” property setting for any individual control.

Applies To

Text box

Ignore time when filtering dates

If selected, performs a less precise comparison on date fields.


Performs a less precise comparison on date fields.


Performs a precise comparison on date fields including both date and time.

Applies To

DateTime filter controls


Initial row display style

Specifies how to display table rows when a table panel is first displayed.


All rows are initially displayed as collapsed.


All rows are initially displayed as expanded.


Only the first row is displayed as expanded.  All other rows are initially collapsed.

Note: After the page is initially displayed, application users may expand and collapse rows.

Applies To


Maximum generated items

The maximum number of database query values automatically populated in the control.  This applies to list-style controls, such as dropdown lists and list boxes.  The default value used by Iron Speed Designer is 500 entries.  However, you can change this threshold to any value desired on a control-by-control basis with “Maximum generated items”.

Note:  If the number of entries at run-time exceeds the value of the “Large list selector threshold” property, a More link will be placed next to the field that, when clicked, displays the Large List Selector.  If the “Large list selector threshold” is not specified, then “Maximum generated items” is used as the Large List Selector threshold.

If you wish to disable the Large List Selector for a particular control, set “Large list selector threshold” to a very large value.

Applies To

Dropdown List
List Box
Radio Button List

Number of columns

Number of columns in gallery table control.

Applies To


Number of rows

The default number of data rows to display within the table at one time.  Typically, this numeric value is displayed in the Pagination control associated with the table and can be adjusted at run-time by the application user.

To get an unlimited number of records to be displayed on the page, set the Page Size to -1.  Note, however, this will not work in applications where an Add Record, Edit Record, or Show Record page returns to the page containing the table and the table is refreshed.  This creates a “page size” error.

Applies To


Panel layout

Specifies how child panels are organized on a master-detail (parent-child) page, such as a Show Record page.


Tabbed panels are displayed inside a tab control.


Stacked panels are displayed in a vertical column of tables.

Applies To

Tab Container



Specifies whether certain controls trigger a traditional page post back. Post back works in conjunction with the “Smooth panel update” property.


The button control triggers a traditional post back when clicked.


The button control triggers an asynchronous post back (Ajax-based smooth panel updating) when clicked.

Note: When the ‘Export data from’ button action is selected, PostBack is assumed to be True because this feature requires a traditional post back in order to function properly.

The PostBack property is not automatically created; you must manually enable it.  If PostBack is not present, it is assumed to be ‘False’.

When a field is bound to a third-party control (e.g, FCKEditor) a postback may be necessary to retrieve the current field value.  This is not a problem when page content is saved by clicking the ‘Save’ or ‘Save and New’ button which belongs to page, but it could be a problem for table row buttons.  To avoid such problems, Iron Speed Designer adds the ‘PostBack = True’ property to all ‘Save’ and ‘Save and New’ buttons by default.

Applies To

All types of button controls

Priority number

Specifies the priority of the Order Sort control. Table panel can have more than one Order Sort control and this property defines which control has a primary, secondary and so on sorting order.

Applies To

Order Sort control

Quick Selector file name

Specifies the location of the associated Quick Selector page.

Applies To

Any Quick Selector control


The portion of data included in the calculation.

All Pages

The statistic is calculated for the entire database table, after taking into account any filters and other limiting criteria applied to the table.

Current Page

The statistic is calculated for only those rows displayed on the current page.

Applies To

Statistic controls such as Page total



Any security roles configured for an individual field.  Individual roles are separated by a semi-colon (‘;’). When you open security dialog it shows only already configured roles. So see all roles uncheck ‘Show only roles in use’ checkbox and click on magnifying glass button.

When configured roles match roles of logged in user control is shown, otherwise it is hidden.


Applies To

Text Box
Dropdown List
List Box
Radio Button List

Selection mode

Selection mode for the control: Single or Multiple items

Applies To

Quick Selector filter comtrols

SQL query

The SQL query used to generate the panel’s displayed results

Applies To

Table and Record control


Time of day used when filtering.

When using a date range filter on a Table Report page, the default time string used for the filter is 00:00:00 indicating 12 AM.  This works well if you are comparing with the “Is greater than or equal to” operator since you want to display all records greater than equal to the date entered by the end user.

For the “Is less than or equal to” operator, you can specify a default time string of 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM).  This allows the end user to enter a value for the To Date filter and retrieve all records that occur on or before the entered date.

Applies To

DateTime filter controls


The panel’s title displayed in the tab.

Resource File Key

You can also dynamically fetch a text string from your application’s resource file (RESX) at application run-time by specifying a Resource Key.  This is useful in multi-language applications that have multiple resource files, one for each language.  This permits easy application localization by editing your application’s resource file instead of the application itself.  Specify the Resource Key in curly braces, e.g.:


Applies To

Tab Panel inside tab container

Treat other values as checked

Specifies whether a check box field is displayed as selected when other values are encountered in the database.

Check box fields can be displayed as either selected (checked) or unselected (unchecked).  The “Checked value” and “Unchecked value” properties designate the database values that signify whether the check box should be selected.  These are typically values such as ‘True’ and ‘False’ or ‘1’ and ‘0’.

In some cases, the underlying database field may have values other than those specified by the “Checked value” and “Unchecked value” properties, e.g., the values may be ‘True’, ‘False’, and ‘Not Sure’.


Treats values other than those assigned via “Checked value” and “Unchecked value” as checked (True).


Treates values other than those assigned via “Checked value” and “Unchecked value” as unchecked (False).

If a hypothetical database column has a value of ‘Not Sure’, then the check box would be shown as checked if the “Treat other values as checked” property is set to ‘True’.  The check box would be shown as unchecked if the “Treat other values as checked” property is set to ‘False.’

Applies To

Check Box

See Also

“Checked value”
“Unchecked value”

Unchecked value

Specifies the value saved into the database when an unselected check box field is saved.  “Unchecked value” is generally set to ‘No’.  While “Unchecked value” can be set to anything, typical values are False, F, No, and 0.

Applies To

Check Box

See Also

“Checked value”
“Treat other values as checked”


The name of the primary key parameter passed in the URL and used to fetch a record to display.

Applies To

Record control