Control Text Naming Policies

Iron Speed Designer automatically creates names for several aspects of your application.  A Naming Policy algorithm is applied in order to make your application more human-readable, saving you the time of hand-editing potentially hundreds of field labels and other bits of text used in your application.

Where is the Naming Policy used?

A naming policy algorithm is used to create names for:

When is the Naming Policy applied?

The naming policy algorithm is used by the Application Wizard and at other times when creating pages based on your database schema.

Page Element

When Naming Algorithm is Applied

Menu names
Page titles
Panel titles

When the page element is created.

Field labels

  • At the time they are created.

  • When a new version of Iron Speed Designer is installed and migrates the application to the new version.

  • When scanning and accepting changes in your database schema.

Thus, a field label's text may change when upgrading to a new version of Iron Speed Designer, but menu, page and panel titles do not.

The Naming Policy Algorithm

Each word is capitalized, e.g.:

MY NAME           à My Name

MY_NAME         à My Name

my name            à My Name

In general, underscores and other non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with spaces.  Multiple adjacent spaces are consolidated into one space.

My_Ugly ! _field_Name     à My Ugly Field Name

Common abbreviations are expanded by consulting a small built-in dictionary:

Addr                    à Address

Cats & Dogs      à Cats And Dogs

Note:  These abbreviation expansions are made only for the English language.  The abbreviation list is built into Iron Speed Designer and cannot be modified at this time.

Spaces are automatically added between word breaks.  In general, word breaks are indicated by spaces, underscores, and case changes:

my name            à My Name

MY_NAME         à My Name

MyName            à My Name

Note: If there are no separators between words, Iron Speed Designer works best when the initial letter is uppercase, e.g. "MyName".  If the initial letter is lowercase, e.g. "myName", then Iron Speed Designer may interpret the first word as a dispensable prefix.

The case of abbreviations is typically preserved:

MyDotNETApplication        à My Dot NET Application

FM-2000                                à FM-2000

Concatenated words are separated by consulting a small built-in dictionary.  (This is useful for Oracle databases.)

CATEGORYID        --> Category ID

Prefixes are typically removed:

tblWorldWideCustomers    à World Wide Customers

MST_CUSTOMER_LIST    à Customer List

Prefix removal is done by case-sensitivity, word separator character, vowel analysis, and a small dictionary of common one, two and three letter words.

See Also

Control Text Naming Policies

Control Name Policies - ReservedWords.xml

Picture and Image Field Configuration -- ConfigurationOptions.xml