You must enter a value for all required fields


You get this error when running your application:

You must enter a value for all required fields.

This error occurs when a record is being inserted into a database with a NULL value in a field that does not allow NULL values.

A code customization, database trigger or stored procedure violates the NULL value constraint

Open your application in Visual Studio .NET’s debug mode and step through each line of custom code added.  This will help identify which line of your code customization triggers this exception.

Enable database logging and tracing in your application to see the query executed when the record is saved to the database.

A space character (“ “) is used as a default database field value

Space characters (or a string of spaces) will not work properly as a database default on “varchar” fields.  Note that this applies to default field values set in the database and not those set in Iron Speed Designer.  The space character usually will work as a default field value with “nvarchar” fields.  If possible, change the “varchar” fields to “nvarchar” fields.

See Also

Part VII:  Troubleshooting Applications

Application Will Not Run

Application Runs But No Data is Displayed

Application Error Messages