When Private/Public keys are enabled consumer application sends both keys with each request. Provider application uses public key to identify private encrypted key and compares it with its own copy. Provider saves keys in its local SQL CE database while Consumer stores them in web.config.

Iron Speed Designer will generate and store matching keys for the both parts of the application, but if you want to use multiple consumer applications make sure you generate keys for each one of them and add them to their web.config files.


Iron Speed Designer generates simple web application which provides access to this database allowing administrator to add/delete keys.

There are two pages – KeyGenerator.aspx and Login.aspx. To navigate to KeyGenerator.aspx user has to Login first providing administrator’s username/password. Note that default login password is admin / admin. We highly recommend changing it before deploying Provider application to production. See ManageAdmin section for details.


Fig: Login.aspx




Fig: KeyGenerator.aspx


Inside the KeyGenerator page, one can create, read or update any key information. Also there is Status flag showing whether key is active or not. If it is unchecked then any consumer using that key will not be authorize as the key has been disabled.