The Query Wizard SELECT Step

Specify which fields, sums and counts to include in your SQL query.  Several caveats apply for various query types.

Query Type


Table controls

Since all fields are automatically selected for table controls, the SELECT step is disabled for editing.

Filter control

Only one field may be selected since Filter controls display only one field.  Only columns with filterable data types are selectable for filters.

FieldValue control

Only one field may be selected since FieldValue controls display only one field.

Sums and counts

Calculations are supported only for numeric columns.  When working with data sources, calculations are available for the from table, to table, and all join tables


Only one field may be selected


Only one field may be selected




At present, data sources cannot contain calculations from more than one table.

See Also

Customizing Database Queries with the Query Wizard

The Query Wizard JOIN Step

The Query Wizard SELECT Step

The Query Wizard TOP Step

The Query Wizard WHERE Step

The Query Wizard ORDER BY Step

The Query Wizard FINISH Step