Stored Procedure Naming Policy

When creating stored procedures, Iron Speed Designer uses a naming policy function to determine the stored procedure prefix, such as "pMyApp23Categories" for Microsoft SQL Server.  This prefix is saved in the associated table binding file and thus passed to application functions at run-time.  Consequently, class functions are not hard-coded code for determining the prefix.

The initial prefix "p" used for Microsoft SQL Server stored procedure names is determined by a setting in the Designer.config file.  The default is "p".  You can manually edit the Designer.config file to change this to something else, such as "sp”.

<add key="StoredProcedurePrefix" value="sp" />

The stored procedure prefix change applies to:

You must exit Iron Speed Designer before changing the stored procedure prefix.  Iron Speed Designer recognizes the stored procedure prefix when starting, so be sure to make any changes when Iron Speed Designer is not running.

After changing the prefix, rebuilding an existing application will not change the prefix of any existing stored procedures; only newly created stored procedures for tables and database views selected after changing the prefix will be affected.

An existing application may have various stored procedure prefixes because the newly selected tables will use the current prefix.  Tables and database views already in use will still use the previous prefix.  To change the prefix for existing tables, unselect those tables in the Application Wizard and then re-select them to force new stored procedures to be created for those tables.  Keep in mind, however, that Iron Speed Designer does not delete or drop the old stored procedures in your database server; you must do this manually using Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager or similar tool.



See Also

Microsoft SQL Server Database Support