UpdatePanel Control

[Application Generation] properties (Iron Speed Designer)

These properties control specific types of controls created by Iron Speed Designer.



Smooth panel update


Specifies whether to create Ajax-based panel update code for Table and Record controls.


Ajax-based smooth panel updating is enabled.


Ajax-based smooth panel updating is disabled.

If “Smooth panel update” is not present, then smooth panel updating is disabled.

Applies To



.NET Framework 2.0 and later applications.

ASP.NET Properties

See ASP.NET Control Properties for details.

Smooth Panel Update Limitations for Nested Tables

Not all .NET controls are compatible with the smooth panel update feature, which is implemented, in part, using the Ajax UpdatePanel control.  These .NET controls are known to not be compatible with the smooth panel update feature:

In addition to the above controls, any button control which performs a file download will not work when used with the smooth panel update feature.  To solve this problem, add the PostBack property to the button control in Iron Speed Designer Propert Sheet and set it to ‘True’.

Controls not compatible with the .NET UpdatePanel control can still be used in a page but must be placed outside of the UpdatePanel controls.  Some controls can be used within the UpdatePanel control, but only if they are used in specific ways.  To find out more information, please refer the section “Controls that Are Not Compatible with UpdatePanel Controls” in:


According to Microsoft:

All other controls work inside UpdatePanel controls.  However, in some circumstances, a control might not work as expected inside an UpdatePanel control. These circumstances include the following:

·         Registering script by calling registration methods of the ClientScriptManager control.

·         Rendering script or markup directly during control rendering, such as by calling the Write(String) method.

If the control calls script registration methods of the ClientScriptManager control, you could use corresponding script registration methods of the ScriptManager control instead. In that case, the control can work inside an UpdatePanel control.

Nested UpdatePanel controls trigger traditional postbacks only in the outermost UpdatePanel control.  Hence, only button controls cointained within the outermost UpdatePanel control may have their PostBack property set to True.  All button controls nested inside inner UpdatePanel controls can refresh the UpdatePanel control only by performing an asynchronous postback; they may not have their PostBack property set to True.

Smooth Panel Update Limitations with View State Options

In some cases, certain actions will not work when Smooth Panel Update is enabled for a control and the View State is set other than to ‘Page’.  These are known to be problematic:

Smooth Panel Update Region and Performance

Most panels are ‘wrapped’ or enclosed by an UpdatePanel code generation tag.  If the UpdatePanel control’s “Smooth panel update” property is ‘True’ (in the Property Sheet) then smooth panel updating is applied to all controls within the enclosed area.

The UpdatePanel control frequently spans multiple enclosed panels.  For example, an Edit Record page may have both its master (parent) record panel and detail (child) table panels enclosed within a surrounding UpdatePanel control.  The page will take less time to render if you set the the UpdatePanel control’s “Smooth panel update” property to ‘False’ and set “Smooth panel update” to ‘True’ for the individual panels enclosed within the UpdatePanel control.


“Smooth panel update” value







In a Select and Show Record page, you might set these “Smooth panel update” values for the various panels:


“Smooth panel update” value







The OrderDetailTableControl table panel must be updated if an application user selects filter values or clicks one of the table buttons.

Note however, if you set “Smooth panel update” incorrectly, the LoadData and DataBind methods may be called but the panel will not be updated in the Web browser.

See also

Record Tag

Table Tag

Code Generation Tags

Code Generation Tag Properties