Virtual Directory on Microsoft IIS Does Not Allow Anonymous Access

Virtual directories created for applications built with Iron Speed Designer do not allow anonymous access by default.  If your application’s virtual directory does not allow anonymous access, then only users on the local network with proper Windows credentials and who have read/write permissions on the application directories and files can see data.  Users also need read/write permission to the underlying Microsoft Access MDB file or login privileges to the Microsoft SQL Server database.  You can check whether anonymous access is enabled or disabled by going to your Microsoft IIS Console and checking the directory security on the virtual directory.

If your application's virtual directory allows anonymous access, check that the anonymous user Windows account (typically IUSR_<Machine Name>) has read/write permissions on the underlying database (e.g., Microsoft Access database file (MDB) or login privileges for the Microsoft SQL Server database).  You can add read/write permissions for the Windows account on the security permissions of the Microsoft Access MDB file (or add login privileges on the Microsoft SQL Server database).  Alternatively, you can specify an existing user for anonymous access, i.e., use a Windows account that already has read/write permissions on the underlying database.

If your application’s virtual directory does not allow anonymous access, make sure that the individual user using the Internet Explorer browser has read/write permissions to your database.

Allowing Anonymous Access

Check to make sure the application is accessible to all users.

Step 1:  Go to the Internet Information Services from the Administrative Tools under the Windows Start menu.

Step 2:  Navigate to the virtual directory you created, right-click and select Properties.

Step 3:  Go to the Directory Security tab, and click on Edit under the Anonymous access section.

Step 4:  Click the Anonymous Access checkbox and ensure that the User Name and password are correct.  They are typically something like IUSR_machinename and also select Allow IIS to control password.

See Also

Application Runs But No Data is Displayed